Saturday, January 10, 2015

DIY Milk Jug Organization!

Hey Guys!!!! Its The Beauty Queen!!! And I know there really isn't any point in this post since theres no school today but I usually post on none school days too! Anyways todays post is a cute idea so what you will need to make you milk jug organization is obviously half a milk jug , paint probs and your specail touch, rectangle cardboard small peice, scissors , hot glue. So you start off by cutting your milk jug half way then if you wish to paint it paint it let it dry and if you wish you  the piece of card board then let it dry when its done drying  glue the cardboard in the middle of the milk jug let it dry then you can store your supplies in it and your done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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